Authors: Ioana PĂVĂLEANU, Maria ROMAN, Dumitru GAFIŢANU, Cristina DOBRE, Letiţia Doina DUCEAC, Maricica PĂVĂLEANU


Pain at birth is a symptom of special concern for the parturient woman, for her relatives and medical staff. In quite a number of cases, it has been observed that the intensity of pain differs considerably from one woman to another, a possible motivation being, among others, the psychological dependence and education and also the type
of personality of the patient. The present study – developed between July-September 2016 at the “Cuza Voda” and “Elena Doamna” Maternity Hospitals of Iaşi – will analyze the intensity of pain at birth as a function of the type of personality of the woman. The group under investigation
was represented by 104 women in childbed hospitalized in
the two maternities. The instrument employed was the Big
Five inventory, which permits to evaluate the individual
personality and the scale of pain. Data was collected from
the women in childbed 3-4 days after the delivery, when the
patients were also informed on the investigation under
development and gave their consent to be part of the study,
filling in the questionnaires on paper. The results obtained
showed that the type of personality influences pain at birth.
The more shy and inhibited by the presence of the others a
woman is, the higher will be the score of her pain caused by
birth. Utilisation of psychoprophylaxy and hypnorelaxation
techniques adds to the confidence in the obstetrical team,
while increasing the confidence in patient’s own capacity of
controlling the birth, and implicitly reducing the number
of Caesarean operations on demand.

  • birth
  • pain
  • parturient woman
  • type of personality